Personal Property
1416J Personal Property Sealer

Inmate Personal Property Storage
The Guardian 1416J Inmate Personal Property System eliminates lost property claims before they begin, and speeds up your release process all with one system.
What does it take to haggle over a “lost earring”? It costs time, money and effort, three things that are in short supply in most jails. We can help you eliminate the need for lost property claim investigations with our system that is currently in use in over 500 jails.
The tamper-evident package not only secures the inmate property, it speeds inmate release. All property is clearly visible, laid out and inventoried. The officer and the inmate can see all the property without touching it.
A Compact Machine for Your Booking Area
One of the most asked questions that we get is “how much room do I need?” Space is at a premium in booking areas, we understand. However, the Guardian 1416J sits on a tabletop in your booking area, within eyesight of the inmate. When the machine is run, the arrestee sees the inmate personal property being secured in a tamper-evident package. They are then instructed to sign the package with a permanent marker.
When the inmate is released, their property (and signature) are both evident on the package, and it is equally evident that the package has not been opened.

Make Your Current System more Efficient
We don’t want you to scrap the system that you spent all that money on, we want to make it operate more efficiently.
Our system is designed to be slipped inside a hanging mesh bag, a plastic bin or even rolled up inside a cubbyhole. The Guardian 1416J adapts to your needs.
You don’t need to change your numbering system or your protocols, you just make it work better, cleaner and faster.

Make Your Current System more Efficient
We don’t want you to scrap the system that you spent all that money on, we want to make it operate more efficiently.
Our system is designed to be slipped inside a hanging mesh bag, a plastic bin or even rolled up inside a cubbyhole. The Guardian 1416J adapts to your needs.
You don’t need to change your numbering system or your protocols, you just make it work better, cleaner and faster.