
Kevin Keegan, Minnehaha County Jail, Sioux Falls, SD

Prior to having these machines our property room was a disaster. The smell alone would be enough to keep you away. Once we started using these machines in our property room, we were able to organize the inmate property storage which saved us a lot of space and the smell is gone.

Our staff actually like working with inmate property now, thanks to these machines. The service provided has been exceptional as well. Response times and shipping turnaround allows us to use these machines without interruption.

Major R. A. White, Chief Jailer, Barrow County Sheriff’s Office, 2/10/2023

The Barrow County Sheriff’s Office is proud to partner with CPI / Guardian as a solution to our inmate property needs. We have utilized the CPI / Guardian inmate clothing and personal property sealing system in both our new and previous detention facilities. We have been partnering with CPI / Guardian for approximately 15 years. Before we partnered with CPI / Guardian, our inmate property room was a foul, disorganized mess. We often had property get misplaced or mistakenly put into the wrong inmate’s storage bag. Since we have begun using the CPI / Guardian Sealer Systems, our property room no longer has a foul odor, and accountability for property items has greatly improved. The CPI / Guardian Property Room Solution solves the problem of scattered property and keeps things organized and secure. When property is moved and returned to the owner, the sealed boards are easily moved without loss of items. The sealing equipment itself is very reliable. It has never failed and runs 24/7. It is simple to use and makes the officer’s job so much easier. On top of the reliable machines, CPI Guardian representatives have been amazing. I know our representative Cory Hoover on a first-name basis. He keeps up with our needs and ensures our equipment and supplies are up to standard. The CPI / Guardian products and company staff have made a positive impact on our operations. The Barrow County Sheriff’s Office highly recommends the CPI / Guardian storage solutions. Anyone is welcome to come to our facility and view the system in operation at any time.

Boris Vukovic, Gwinnett Sheriff's Office, Gwinnett County, GA

At Gwinnett County detention center we are using CPI/Guardian products for last 15 years and we are incredibly satisfied with their response time, availability of parts and improving technology in inmate property storage.

Dependable and great to work with company from the sales team to technical support, they all provide expert knowledge about the products and there to eliminate any problems if they arise.